According to Peter Blade, Head of Logistics & Industrial JLL – Australia, JLL Western Sydney team are already well known for being the leading industrial leasing team for institutional owners in the Sydney market and were recently provided unique challenges by client LOGOS Property Group.
The JLL Western Sydney team are already well known for being the leading industrial leasing team for institutional owners in the Sydney market and were recently provided unique challenges by client LOGOS Property Group.
To meet these challenges, JLL introduced their National Head of Supply Chain Richard Phillips a veteran of 20 years out of the market leading 3PL provider, DHL. Utilising his internal resources of the industrial ESG and supply chain design teams, Richard was able to work with the LOGOS team to identify and construct two independently validated bullet proof models which demonstrated key freight and ESG benefits for potential occupiers of the estate.
From this analysis, it was identified that there were immediate and significant savings by the use of rail rather than road for the movement of containers from Port Botany, however digging deeper, he found additional savings which included time savings, inventory volume savings, and de-hire savings.
The second model was built by the JLL ESG team and showed the unrivaled carbon benefits of being located within the estate. Moorebank Intermodal Precinct is Australia’s biggest roof top industrial solar array but the story didn’t stop there, for every container that is brought to and from the estate by rail rather than by road, there are significant operational carbon reductions for occupiers, Richard was again able to accurately provide actual cubic tons of carbon emissions removed from occupiers direct operations.
Increasingly, industrial occupiers are demanding higher understandings of their carbon footprint within their supply chain and requiring green solutions, JLL is again at the forefront of this technological change, Richard’s team is geared up with industrial ESG specialist and advisory team.
With the challenges understood and with the correct information to make the estate attractive to occupiers, the JLL agency team (Greg Pike, Bella Cass, Stephen Chronopolous and Peter Blade) then stepped in to take over the marketing and securing of tenants for Logos.
The agency team correctly identified the prevailing market conditions and demand for space, they presented a unique opportunity to market the estate differently to anything that had ever been attempted by an agency team anywhere in Australia. The recommendation was to run an on-market Expressions of Interest campaign to identified customers to lease two speculative buildings of circa 50,000sqm. Armed with Richards models and information memorandums, the team set out on a relentless tour to present to all major industrial occupiers the Moorebank Intermodal Estate.
By the close of the campaign, the JLL leasing team had received 7 offers to lease two buildings, which provided Logos with the enviable position of choosing the best fit and commercial offer for the two assets. We are pleased to report that both buildings are now pre-committed well before PC and the campaign was able to secure Sydney Tools for 22,000sqm and Maersk for 27,000sqm.
Many thanks to the LOGOS team of Danielle Eloss, Trevor Lee and Troy Bryant who have been excellent to partner with on this exciting project.
For more details please contact Peter Blade via the contact details below.